Thursday, February 21, 2008

Massacaring Misconception

It was very recently that I developed my interest in herpetology and snake conservation.

There is lot more to be study about snakes and the reason why they are mercilesly killed in the cities and villages in plenty ;But a good thing is that slowly my friends are joining hands with me and helping me with my conservation effort's and the people around me seem to be understanding the need for this global initiative.

Last month ,I was lucky to get my hands on checkered keelbacks, sand boa, rat snake ,whip snake and lizard's like the bloodsuckers.

We the conservationist's and wildlife lovers are in mere hurry to massacre the misconception in people's life about wildlife and related relegious tabooes; but the horizon seems to be just far away............


ajith said...

a brilliant photo with that keel back.hope you have more goodluck.

natureborn said...

Great man u luks like professional bloggr.
keep doin it

Kaustubh said...

gud 1...u r improving!!!!

Hunter's Diary said...

thanx for ur comments guys............